Thursday, July 26, 2007

Amanda's Fairy Tale LO

And here is mine. Andrea sure does know how to put the pressure on! If I haven't finshed the first challenge before the next one is posted she really gets on my case. So I tried really hard to get this one done earlier. And here 'tis:

Credits here.

Challenge Number 3

This was my fairy tale page for challenge number three!! It didn't really turn out how I had imagined it in my head, but none the less here it is!! My husband ran over his cell phone with the lawn mower!! Hee hee hee hee!! He loves his phone. It has all his "important" phone numbers in it!! He was so devistated when he relized he had run it over!! I had to laugh because that would have been something I would have done, not him!! But then again, would I have had my cell phone on me while mowing the lawn????? Probably not!! Anyway I thought it was pretty funny!!!
You can find the credits here!! Thanks for looking!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Amanda's Week 1 LO's

So Andrea has been getting on my back about posting my LO's for the first 2 challenges, so here they are:
You can read the journaling and see credits here.

This one is the one we did together for challenge 2. Andrea did the wordart and I assembled the rest:

Credits here.

Andrea has already completed her LO for challenge 3. I'm not as caught up as her. She's determined that we are going to win and won't let me slack. So I'd better be off to work on my LO!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Race has Started!!

I am so excited that the race has begun!! We have completed our first challenge and we are working on our second challenge!! I thought I would share my first layout for the challenge with everyone!! So here it is!!!

You can read all the credits here. I am really looking forward to the next challenge. We have to make a fairy tale page!! Alright Amanda!! Now lets see your museum page!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Our theme song...

This blog wouldn't be complete without a theme song! Therefore I have added one! It's over there on the right. Press play and have a listen! (By the way, I'm so not a country fan, but being one of the Southern Scrappin' Sisters, I figured we needed something along those lines!) Enjoy!